New Reef Discovery in Australia is a Once in a Century Find

Scientists have studied this species-rich ecosystem for more than 100 years, so the discovery of a towering 1,600…

Continents ‘prone to destruction’ in infancy

Geologists model the origin of the cratonic mantle. Digging deep into the planet’s past, Australian geologists…

How the West Coast’s Wildfires Could Irrevocably Change Wildlife

Wildfires have swept across the West Coast of America this year with devastating consequences. Burning millions…

Biden’s climate plans: A ‘historic tipping point’?

With Joe Biden headed to the White House, environmental campaigners are hoping the US will get…

315 nuclear bombs and ongoing suffering: The shameful history of nuclear testing in Australia and the Pacific

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons received its 50th ratification on October 24, and will…

Canada Has Been Hiding Earth’s Missing Tectonic Plate This Whole Time

Where in Earth’s crust is Carmen Sandiego? It turns out she’s in northern Canada, where geologists…

Climate Change: Too Hot for Humans to Handle?

California wildfire emergencies are the starkest sign yet that rising temperatures linked to climate change impact day-to-day living.…

Rooftop farming takes off in Singapore

On the rooftop of a Singapore shopping mall, a sprawling patch of eggplants, rosemary, bananas and…

Greenland is on track to lose ice faster than in any century over 12,000 years: study

If human societies don’t sharply curb emissions of greenhouse gases, Greenland’s rate of ice loss this…

Explainer: Rainbows, fogbows and their eerie cousins

With a little water and a glimmer of light, crazy sky displays can emerge, day or…